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SEO Learn

50 Most Important SEO Tips and Tricks


1. Informative content
2. Write unique &grate content
3. Create a great keyword phrase
4. Choose a phrase that is popular
5. Use the keyword phrase in your title tag
6. Get a domain with your keyword phrase
7. Use your keyword phrase a lot, but not too much
8. Use your keyword phrase in headlines
9. Use your keyword phrase in anchor text of links
10. keyword phrase inside incoming links
11. Try to get links from reputable sites
12. Increase the font size of your keyword phrase
13. Format your keyword phrases to stand out
14. Write a descriptive meta description
15. Link to your page from within your site
16. Put up links that flow within the text
17. Keep asking for inbound links
18. Get linked in DMOZ and Yahoo!
19. Periodically check your outbound links for page rank get links from similar sites
20. Create as much content as you can
21. Keep your site content inside one theme
22. Create a sitemap
23. Create an XML sitemap
24. Use 301 redirects for permanent redirects
25. Use 302 redirects only for long or ugly URLs
26. Get as many inbound links as you can
27. Put your keyword phrase in the first paragraph
28. Put your keyword phrase at the top of the HTML
29. Put your keyword phrase in alternative text
30. Use synonyms for your keywords
31. Don’t link a lot to external sites
32. Register a separate domain instead of a sub-domain
33. Register a .com domain
34. Use hyphens to separate words in domains
35. Use hyphens or underscores to separate words in URLs
36. Don’t write your content with JavaScript
37. Don’t have more than 10 words in your URL
38. Don’t use dynamic URLs
39. Don’t link to link farms
40. Don’t use the meta refresh tag to redirect users
41. Don’t use session IDs
42. Don’t have broken links on your site
43. Link all major images
44. Keep your pages up-to-date
45. Keep your pages close to the root directory
46. Use the meta keywords tag and include your keyword phrase
47. Use your keyword phrase in your meta description
48. Set your language meta keyword
49. Optimize for a few secondary keywords
50. Use your keyword phrase in named anchors

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